A front-end to the file_catalog API to simplify accessing file metadata.
How to use this site
Caution: The search prioritizes uuid entries above any other queries. Ensure that the uuid field is cleared before any other fields are searched. Search results are not paginated.
Example Queries:- Searching by uuid will yield the most precise results, with either a specific file returned or a no file found message.
- A search containing any other combination of fields AND a uuid will return the search yielded by the uuid
- Logical name requires a complete file path such as: "/data/exp/2018/internal-system/sndaq/0428/sndata_130969_000.tar.gz". The search will accept but not work for incomplete/invalid paths such as "/internal-system/sndaq/0428/sndata_130969_000.tar.gz".
- The search bar currently supports searching either by uuid or by logical_name/filepath
- An empty advanced search will return a list of all files.
Questions? Suggestions?
- David Schultz: @dschultz (Slack)
- Connor Hanson: @Connor Hanson (Slack)
Report a bug?
- Email david.schultz@icecube.wisc.edu
- Fill out this form. (TODO)
- Front-end source code
- Back-end source code